Workstyle Reform: ABW and The Campus Concept

The Evolution of Work Styles: The Introduction of ABW

At KADOKAWA, we have implemented and continued to work on ABW (Activity Based Working), a work style where all employees autonomously work without regard to time and space.
We introduced the Satellite Work System, which incorporates permission to use satellite offices or work from home without limit, eliminates the allowance for commuter pass charges, and offers an allowance to work from home. We are quickly responding to changes in society by creating an environment where each employee can select a work style that matches his or her style.
To make ABW a reality, we must also create a corporate culture that is autonomous, open, level, and shared, and this is connected to KADOKAWA's goal of an organization that can take on challenges easily.

Workplace Reform: The Campus Concept

The Campus Concept is a new workplace that offers improvements in productivity, creativity, and well-being and releases workers from the conventional office, while realizing an environment where employees can perform the same level of work no matter where they are through the promotion of ABW.
“The Tokorozawa Campus”, setup within “Tokorozawa Sakura Town” and incorporating a suburban design where about 1,000 people can work on a single floor (about 8,900 square meters of space). “The Tokyo Campus”, a conventional office updated to be a central city office. Anywhere, a concept under which various places including home and satellite offices are considered as a workplace.
As working from home has quickly spread and the meaning of offices is being called into question, our advanced campus concept will realize a seamless work style, utilizing the features and character of the city, the suburbs, the home, and all workplaces, and will lead to corporate growth, personal fulfillment, and the flexibility to respond to changes in the social environment.
Moving towards a work style that allows diversity to shine, centered not around the office but around people.
Combining ABW with the Campus Concept will set employees' skills free, stimulate creativity, and create innovation—This is a work style befitting KADOKAWA, a company that always anticipates changes.

Work Style in the New Normal: Beyond ABW

The effects of measures, such as the expansion of the personnel system and infrastructure improvements from a company-wide digital transformation centered around the advancements of ABW and the Campus Concept, and the initiatives and experiences of each employee were shown during the restricted movements and the State of Emergency due to the effects of COVID-19.
Being able to realize a work style that responds to social changes within a safe environment greatly contributes to the continuation of business.
We will continue to work towards a work style that is unique to KADOKAWA and that exists as it should in this new normal, considering issues from the rapid increase in working from home, improvements to the work environment required for work, what the office should be moving forward, and more.