In consideration of the importance of protection of personal information, KADOKAWA CORPORATION (hereinafter “the Company,” click here for the Company’s address and representative) observes the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws (hereinafter “related law(s)”) and appropriately handles personal information of the Company’s officers, employees, part-time workers, temporary employees and other people who currently engage or who were formerly engaged in the Company’s activities (hereinafter “officers, employees, etc.”) in order to protect their privacy.
Personal information denotes addresses, names, phone numbers and other information that can identify a specific individual such as an officer or an employee (including information that can easily be cross-referenced with other information and can thereby identify specific individuals) and information that is defined by related laws as personal information.
The Company collects the personal information of its officers, employees, etc. mainly from their curriculum vitae and “Handling of Personal Information about Officers, Employees, etc.,” the document that new employees are required to complete and submit when entering the Company. The personal information collected is used for the purposes described below. If such information is to be used for a specific purpose, it will be clarified whenever necessary, except where any related law stipulates otherwise. If a related law requires the consent of officers, employees, etc. to be obtained when personal information is collected, the Company will obtain such consent appropriately.
The Company prepares and maintains a bylaw and a manual on the handling of personal information and ensures that they are thoroughly known to everyone concerned, with the aim of rigorously storing and managing the personal information provided by officers, employees, etc. and preventing personal information from being leaked, lost or misused. The Company also takes safety measures necessary and appropriate, such as building a system for protecting against illegal access from the outside, encoding information, limiting access to personal data and appointing persons in charge of the protection and management of personal information. When handling personal information overseas, the Company takes safety measures as necessary and appropriate based on the understanding about the country’s systems and rules on the protection of personal information.
The Company shall continue trying to ensure that the personal information provided by officers, employees, etc. is correct and kept updated as far as necessary for achieving the purposes of its use.
The Company may jointly use personal information about officers, employees, etc. as described below.
Item name | Information that is used for business communication | Information that is used for personnel-related jobs |
Personal information for joint use |
Name of an individual, his/her organization or department, address, job title, e-mail address, phone number and fax number |
・ Information written in a curriculum vitae (e.g., address, emergency contact, school background, job history, qualifications) ・ Positions held in the Company and information about an individual’s previous departments, service, salaries, appraisal and any other information concerning human resource development and transfer |
Scope of joint users | KADOKAWA's Group Companies (*) |
KADOKAWA's Group Companies (*) (Human resources person and managerial or higher level persons use the information when necessary in light of the purposes of its use) |
Purposes of joint use | Purposes that are shown in Paragraph 1 and: Constitute business communication necessary for the KADOKAWA Group companies to cooperate with one another in business activities |
Purposes that are shown in Paragraph 1 and concern discussion, implementation and operation of personnel measures throughout the Group as defined below ・Communication necessary for business or in the event of an emergency ・Personnel-related activities concerning an employee's joining the Company, assignment and transfer, among other matters ・Career development, human resource development and education ・Communication with assignee companies, KADOKAWA Group companies, etc. (including prior consultation for inter-company transfers) ・Utilization of the in-house information system within the KADOKAWA Group ・Any other work that is necessary in terms of personnel or labor management |
*The latest list is available on the KADOKAWA Group’s website.
Except where the above joint use or any of the following statements applies, the Company may not disclose or provide to a third party any personal information provided by an officer, employee, etc. without prior permission from the officer, employee, etc.
All or some of the jobs that involve handling personal information may be outsourced to parties either within or outside the KADOKAWA Group. In outsourcing such jobs, the Company will select providers sufficiently equipped for protecting personal information, conclude a confidentiality agreement and keep updated on the provider's handling of personal information.
Concerning the personal information of officers, employees, etc. under the Company’s possession, the Company accepts requests from the relevant individual or his/her agent for any of the actions described below.
(Notification or disclosure of purposes of use; amendment, addition or partial deletion of personal information; stopping use or deleting personal information; or ceasing provision of personal information to third parties)
A request will be accepted in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company and will be promptly addressed whenever issued.
Other inquiries and complaints about the Company’s handling of personal information will also be accepted in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company.
The Company may change all or part of the Privacy Policy. If this happens, the revised part(s) of the Privacy Policy will be shown on the Company’s website.