(As of January, 2025 in alphabetical order with titles omitted)

Company Name Analyst Name
BofA Securities, Inc. Yoshitaka Nagao
Iwai Cosmo Securities Co., Ltd. Daisuke Aiba
Jefferies Japan Limited Shunki Nakamura
Macquarie Capital Securities (Japan) Limited Hiroshi Yamashina
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Akitomo Kishimoto
Okasan Securities Co., Ltd Masashi Morita
SBI SECURITIES Co.,Ltd. Satoshi Kurihara
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Yasuki Yoshioka
Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd. Soichiro Fukuda

Please note that this list of analysts is prepared based on information available at the date of posting of the list and we do not guarantee of the completeness of the list.

The opinions and forecasts of the listed analyst regarding the results, etc. are based on their own independent judgment and are not the Company's opinions or forecasts. The Company does not necessarily agree with the analysts' forecasts, opinions or recommendations or guarantee their accuracy or appropriateness.

The list of analysts is published for the purpose of providing information, including the companies that they work for and their names. It is not posted for the solicitation of investment. When making actual investments, investors are requested to make investment decisions based on their own judgment and according to their own responsibility.