We, and the IR division in particular, promote disclosure and strive to directly communicate with shareholders and institutional investors and analysts in Japan and overseas by holding financial results information meetings, meetings with individual investors, and facility tours.
In these IR activities, the IR division works closely with the business division, the administrative division and Group companies. At the same time, Chief Executive Officer and other Chief Officers participate in earnings results briefings and meetings with each investor as necessary. The entire Company promotes IR activities as one team.

The results of the IR activities and the major opinions in capital markets are reported to the Board of Directors, including the Outside Directors. We thoroughly manage the information used in IR activities to prevent the leakage of insider information.

FY2022  (Apr 1, 2022 – Mar 31, 2023)

Basic information (FY2022)

  • Annual number of companies we had IR-related meetings with

    Number of meetings: 693
    Number of companies: 183

  • Number of people we had meetings with

    Number of people we had meetings with: 891
    Number of people: 379